# Add additional files to your project
# Open your Xcode project
# Perform 'File >> Add Files to "TestApp_Swift"...' menu action
In dialog box, select "appsealing.lic", "AppsealingiOS.h" and "AppsealingiOS.mm" files in "AppSealingSDK/Libraries/" folder and click "Add" button.
# Add Bridging Header into swift project
# Only if your project is Swift based
(Do not refer this & next pages if your project is objective-c based)
Since your project is swift-based project, you would encounter a dialog box which asks you create a bridging header file or not only if there's no bridging header in your project yet. You should click "Create Bridging Header".
* Supposing your project already has bridging header file, the upper dialog box will not appear and you can use your existing bridging header file.
** If your project is Objective-C based, the bridging header file is not used.
# Append AppSealing header to bridging header file (Swift-project only)
Select newly created "TestApp_Swift-Bridging-Header.h" file (or existing bridging header file) and append #import "AppsealingiOS.h" to end of document like below.